Red Sokoto goats are hardy animals that
can adapt to many different environments
Red Sokoto goats are fast growing (which
means you can breed them quicker than other goat breeds)
Red Sokoto goats can prosper on poor pasture
and brush that would not support other types of livestock. Some
ranchers run Boer goats on the pasture after their cows – to clean
up the weeds!
Red Sokoto goats are tame, gentle animals
and the more you handle them, the gentler they become
Red Sokoto goats are good breeders. Under
good conditions, Red Sokoto goat can kid 2 times in a year!
Red Sokoto goats consistently produce more muscling
in less time than other goat breeds
Red Sokoto goats are good milkers,
allowing them to raise multiple offspring with excellent weight
Red Sokoto female kids can reach puberty at 6 months of age and are considered
early breeders. Male kids can
be used for breeding at 5 to 6 months of age
Compared with other goat breeds, Red Sokoto put on more weight
and generally look fuller and healthier