Goat farming is one of the growing businesses all over the world because of the high demand for its tasty meat. The Nutritional Value of goat meat and milk is of great value to human nourishment and now goat farming is transforming to an enterprise.
The goat is an important source of Meat, Milk, Skin, Fiber, and Manure. and Its milk also has all nutritional properties.
As a result, it is a profitable business if doing in the right way. Goat is a friendly animal with proper attention, they maintain good health and can be managed easily by a single woman or children.
Why Do you want to start Goat Farming?
- Low initial investment to start goatery.
- Housing requirement is minimal and management problems.
- Small body size, docile nature, high prolificacy, survives on low-grade ration and short gestation period are some important attributes of goat production.
- Less risk in Livestock farming compared to other livestock species.
- No religious restriction against goat slaughter and meat consumption.
- The goat meat is leaner (low cholesterol) and relatively good for health.
- The milk of goat is easy to digest because of the small size of fat globules and non-allergic.
According to Nirmal Bais The income may vary according to the purpose of your goat farming. so before entering into this business first of all clear the purpose of goat farming.
this business required a little bit of patience, the profit comes in goat farming after one year. the best thing about goat farming is that you have to spend money once only on your foundation stock after that the production cycle continues. you have to only spent money on feed and other low-cost expenditure on farms.
To Venture into goat farming, there are Three aspects you can venture into and all are profitable:
Raising Goat for meat: in this aspect of goat farming you raise goats for meat and sell your goat to vendors who slaughter them for meat. To be successful in this type of goat farming semi-intensive type goat farming can make more money for you like Kutunban Goat Ranch
- the cost spent on goat feed & other expenditures semi intensively (kid and female goat): 7,000 - 10,000 Naira per head.
- Selling price: 15000-20,000 Naira
- Profit: 7000 to 10,000 Naira per goat
100 goat produce minimum 150 kids in 14 months so 150 x 10,000 = 1,500,000 Naira
Raising Goat for milk: if you are located in places like Kano, sokoto or Kaduna then you can go with this milk purpose goat farming. selling goat milk required some marketing skills. You have to also select the High milk-producing breeds like Maradi (Red Sokoto), west African dwarf goats for high milk production.
Female Maradi (Red Sokoto Goats)Breeding Purpose Goat Farming: it is one of the profitable purposes of goat farming in which you have to raise pure breed goats because the pure breed has more demand compared to crossbreed.
you can do semi-intensive or intensive (stall feeding) Goat farming with this purpose.
- the cost spent on goat feed & other expenses semi intensively (kid and female goat): 10,000 Naira yearly.
- Selling price: 20,000 Naira
- Profit: 10,000 per goat
if you sale 150 Goat kid in a year at this rate then you can make 1,500,000 Naira.
Festive purpose Goat farming: it is another most profitable purpose of goat farming, you can make a very good profit if you do Breeding purpose goat farming with festive purpose goat farming like Christmas and Eid, the raising and selling price of this purpose is same as like breeding purpose.
the profit is same as the breeding purpose.
you can also understand deeply the income of goat farming with 100 goats and 4 breeding bucks. the income and each n every expenditure you can note down.
We have designed a project report of meat purpose + breeding purpose goat farming ebook for just 5000 Naira only, To buy click on our Goat Farming Book Shop